I had ordered the Toque from Lululemon around the 18th and it finally arrived while I was at work on the 25th. I was so excited that it had arrived and even more when I was able to wear it on my run the next day. I love how soft the material is and that it actually covers my ears while I'm running - no cold ears for me!It's currently on a final sale so it's only $19, which is a nice savings from the original $28 price tag. The Brisk Run Ear Warmer is only $23 and is the fabric / pattern that is replacing the Toque pattern. It also has available matching gloves, toque and neck warmer.
Monday, January 28
1.14mi. run in 14:18
I decided after hearing the weather last night that I would run after work today. The nonexistent rain was supposed to wash away the leftover snow, but that didn't happen. Path was mostly slush, but overall not a bad run
Tuesday, January 29
2.03mi. run in 19:56
Today was like heaven to run compared to the weather I ran in yesterday. Even ran 2 miles, though the last mile my thighs were feeling a bit tight / sore.
Wednesday, January 30
1.02mi. run in 11:03
40 degree morning still a bit cold for my lululemon head cover (fabric wide headband) & could have used a light pair of gloves, but not complaining since this is far nicer then running in 7 or 12 degrees.
Thursday, January 31
2.01mi. run in 20:55
A Mile A Day completed day 13 w a 2 mile run. A bit windy but overall weather not bad. 36
Friday, February 1
Didn't run or do the Elliptical today. The wind was a bit crisp for me and I ended up working on my project board instead of going on the elliptical. I did go dancing, so I did get some exercise today, but I wont be couting it toward my running days.
Saturday, February 2
Today also, was a very bad day for me in completing my mile a day challenge. I was up late last night hanging out with some friends at the Diner after dancing. I had planned on going home afterward, but my friend Paul was in town from Philly so I made an exception. However, it caused a delay in my day since I didn't get out of bed until after noon. Then there was so much to be done, like heading over to the furniture store in search of a bed rail replacement {post project to be coming soon} adventure and a trip to JoAnn's, a drop off to the Goodwill, and then Home Depot, which actually took most of the day. Didn't get home until after 8pm and then I had to work on the projects and get my bed back on the railing so I wasn't sleeping on the floor.
Sunday, February 3
Yes, again FAIL. No running today. Darn you snow and crisply cold weather that doesn't temp me outdoors. I felt lazy for the first few hours of waking, but ended up getting a lot done.
I did work on my design boards for the house, dust, vacuum, sweep and straightened up the living room / dining / kitchen, because it looked like a tornado hit with all the cleaning out we've been doing. Pluy, we have a lady coming Monday at 7pm to inspect our Vitamix we're selling and house presentably is very important. People wont buy if the home doesn't look like the residents care about their dwelling, I know and I'm no different in that mentality. I'm not a messy person and I have no desire of people thinking I am. We have a lot to sell so we can purchase items that will work so the sell of this is very important. I can buy my LACK shelves once my mom and I split 50/50.
This Lululemon Run: Bundle up Jacket was pretty amazing. I loved the color and the material and how warm it was, but the arms were super long {though they offer a free hemming service, but the 12 was a bit big and the 10 very small}. For $99 as a final sale this jacket is a steal and I wish it would have been a bit more fitting.
I came into Lululemon on Saturday 2013-01-26 to specifically try this RUN: Get up and Glow Jacket and I was surprised to see how big the 12 was on me. I can't believe that this is a 10! I love Lululemon for helping me to feel good about my size and that I can wear cute fitness wear. I did leave the jacket behind, only because I couldn't justify spending $149 on a jacket when I would still need a base layer. The jacket is not meant for 12 degree runs, or brisk wind days on a 40 degree day.

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