Hi and Welcome to RaeHaus {House}, a place where I blog about my love of all things vintage, especially the mid-century era {1933-1965}, eating foods that fuel mind, body, and spirit with whole {real} food ingredients, and trying to find ways to design a simple, mid-century style, and sophisticated home on a budget.
The walls were all the same color of yellow, except the master bath, which was a slight shade variation and I tell you I was ready to see that color go. Sadly, as of December 2012 there is still more yellow then I want to see {the hallways, office / home gym, master bath, and a wall in my in my master bedroom and laundry room}, but it's been difficult to settle on a color scheme.scheme. The only color I really like has been PB by Behr which I have in my living and dining room.
It's taken some time to develop a plan for the blog, but after reading some posts on creating an editorial calendar so there is some type of cohesive flow to my blog that will be helpful not only to myself, but to you my readers that you'll want to come back again.
Sunny Side Up Monday Fitness Monday
This will be all things fitness, anything from images that inspire me to be active, to new fitness gear I've acquired or trips to Lululemon of things I wish I could buy.
Clear a Path Tuesday {after February 2013 this will be a Monthly post}:
Ahhh, so much clutter and it's everywhere. Really, were tired of moving things from one place to another to another and then tripping over things we just aren't using. so the plan is to clear out a box a floor space a closet, anything really each week and either donate it or sell it. Everything that were selling will either be on Amazon or Craigslist {search Remove2Improve for our current listings if your in the area}. This is all about working toward Learning to Live Minimally.
For the Month of January 2013 this will be about The January Cure and the projects we're assigned each day. Also, I'm thinking about extending this and maybe making this a monthly update instead of a weekly and have it be about what were doing to complete our January Cure Project list.
Get it Done Wednesday:
I don't know about you, but I'm a procrastinator so this is to kick my butt into gear into completing one project each week, whether it came from Pinterest, is DIY or a small amount of decluttering.
Paleo Delight Sunday:
Here is the reviews of the yummy and not so yummy eats that I decided to make for my meal plan, along with pictures and links just in case you would like to try them to.
The name RaeHaus is a combination of my middle name Rae and my love of Bauhaus from Design School. The name is the first I've chosen for a blog that has a significant meaning and it blends with what I plan on going with this blog. I had initially name this blog Nourishing Choices & I'm glad for the change. This place is really just about a novice trying to learn how to DIY her way to a mid-century inspired home and eating healthy by going Paleo and finding inspiration to stay strong and work out regularly.
Bauhaus was a school in Germany that combined crafts and the fine arts, and was famous for the approach to design that it publicized and taught. It operated from 1919 to 1933. At that time the German term About this sound Bauhaus, literally "house of construction" stood for "School of Building".
The House
I settled on the purchase of my townhome, and very first home on January 23, 2012 and I tell you it's been a struggle trying to change the decor to match my style, which is a transitional style that runs more traditional in the molding and fixtures. I don't plan on living here forever, and plan to sell during - toward the end of year 5 so I don't want to make changes that wont offer me a good investment, but are are some things that will need to be done so I can be happy while I'm there. I hope to have a real house on my next home purchase, one that I don't have to share my walls and my life with my neighbors. By that I don't mean that I don't like my neighbors, because I do - I just don't like hearing their everyday lives happening through my walls. They are seriously paper-thin.The walls were all the same color of yellow, except the master bath, which was a slight shade variation and I tell you I was ready to see that color go. Sadly, as of December 2012 there is still more yellow then I want to see {the hallways, office / home gym, master bath, and a wall in my in my master bedroom and laundry room}, but it's been difficult to settle on a color scheme.scheme. The only color I really like has been PB by Behr which I have in my living and dining room.
Listing photos of the Yellow Walls
It's taken some time to develop a plan for the blog, but after reading some posts on creating an editorial calendar so there is some type of cohesive flow to my blog that will be helpful not only to myself, but to you my readers that you'll want to come back again.
The Posts
This will be all things fitness, anything from images that inspire me to be active, to new fitness gear I've acquired or trips to Lululemon of things I wish I could buy.
Clear a Path Tuesday {after February 2013 this will be a Monthly post}:
Ahhh, so much clutter and it's everywhere. Really, were tired of moving things from one place to another to another and then tripping over things we just aren't using. so the plan is to clear out a box a floor space a closet, anything really each week and either donate it or sell it. Everything that were selling will either be on Amazon or Craigslist {search Remove2Improve for our current listings if your in the area}. This is all about working toward Learning to Live Minimally.
For the Month of January 2013 this will be about The January Cure and the projects we're assigned each day. Also, I'm thinking about extending this and maybe making this a monthly update instead of a weekly and have it be about what were doing to complete our January Cure Project list.
Get it Done Wednesday:
I don't know about you, but I'm a procrastinator so this is to kick my butt into gear into completing one project each week, whether it came from Pinterest, is DIY or a small amount of decluttering.
Paleo Delight Sunday:
Here is the reviews of the yummy and not so yummy eats that I decided to make for my meal plan, along with pictures and links just in case you would like to try them to.
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