It's that time of the year where I celebrate me, Remanence on the happy years before and make plans for the year to come, but the day really really seemed like any other and was over as fast as it started. The one thing I do look forward to for my birthday is attending D.C. for their Lindy Exchange (April 19-21); a whole weekend dedicated to swing dancing (Lindy Hop and Blue's during the late nights). Previous years I've gone down on Friday after work and drive back Monday afternoon once I've rested, but this year I headed down a day early to attend their weekly event, Back Room Blue's that I've been wanting to attend for a while now.
Well, anyways back to my present, which is so fantastically gorgeous and stunning!!! Yes, I bought a dress, well okay I didn't buy it, but my mom did for my birthday. This will be the 2nd dress I bought in a month, which is not normal for me as I really don't like wearing dresses. However, after trying this dress on at TJMAXX by Ralph Lauren I was a total fan and really wanted it, but the price was steep at $60 and I wasn't really sure how often I would wear it so the price just wasn't practical at all for that uncertainty of wear. Well, after showing the photo to my mom, along with some other things I hadn't bought that same day she surprised me with it. I was super stoked. Don't I look amazing!
Those who know me would be proud that I have worn it already for an event. I took it down to DC with me my birthday weekend and Wore it Thursday night for Back Room Blue's. I had lots of people compliment me on how great I looked in it and one specific guy who made me blush by saying to me just before we began our dance that "You look amazing in that dress." Sigh.
I came into work this morning w a platter of yummy looking blueberry & poppyseed muffins on my desk and secretly hoped they were for me & Indeed they were. Shortly after settling in my wonderful coworkers Ron, Sharon & Renee came over,lit a birthday candle on the center muffin & sang me happy birthday. It was pretty exciting and very thoughtful, especially since muffins are healthier then cake. I love that! And I especially love blueberry muffins

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