I had a few ideas at first and wanted to use some crafty ideas, but ended up keeping it simple and I'm really glad how it turned out. Here are some art ideas I had thought about adding to the wall 1) run 2) felt banner 2) run strong
Finally when I did a spurce up in my bedroom on 26th of March my running inspiration wall finally happened and I have to say I'm pretty happy wiht the results. It's simple, but says what I need.
Large Frame: IKEA ODBY
Art: Quote by Gossip Girl.
Live: Marshall's
Med. Frame: IKEA Ribba White
Art: Liberate Your Inner Awesome - found online
R: Cardboard letter is from Micheal's and I spray painted it a high gloss white
Embroidery hoop I found at a thrifty store after seeing this DIY
Green Clock: I had this on hand and don't really remember where or when I bought it.
View from my bed
I knew I wanted the clock there so I could read it, but it just didn't look right until I added the embroidery hoop. It really adds some symmetry and I love the over all. I plan to add a real bookcase where the rubbermaid laundry shelf currently is to hold my shoes and workout books. I may even bring down all my magazine, but maybe not. I just have a plain white cheap 3 shelf bookshelf that I plan to paint and fabric the back of the wall with some fabric I found at JoAnn's. The fabric really helps to inspire, but still adds a feme-retro look.
What ways do you have to create inspiration to run or workout?
What ways do you have to create inspiration to run or workout?

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