I hope you like the new webdesign and name, I feel that this is totally me all the way around and I'm really excited about it. In the past I've tried my best with my novice know how about html and css to create a design that I'm happy with, however, by the time I finish I'm tired of the design and want to change it up again, so this time I decided to scour the web to find a pre-made template that say's "hey you, this is your design" I also figured it would be more effective to have a pre-made since what you see is what you get and there isn't much in trying to determine how I want it to look. Life is just way to busy and I have far more crap stuff to sort through, so when I found this design I was super excited. The price was at a comfortable level and it had my name written all over it.
I've been mulling over my blog name for sometime, I'm very indecisive and get bored easily so I have a tendency to make new blogs up every few months and then change the name. It wasn't until recently that with blogger you can change your blog name and web address and still keep the same blog you were working with. This is a great feature for me, though I don't really want to keep changing the address since that's the main way people will find me. I liked nourishing choices, but after a while it seemed boring and just not what I really wanted for my blog name, so I decided to review some of my favorite blogs and jot down words and phrases that stuck me. I had about 5 pages of scribble and spent about a week working on a name that I would like and said exactly what I wanted.
It wasn't until the last day that it hit me...I love mid century design, art deco, danish, mod, retro (but not kitchys retro) and bauhous designs. I had been looking up art deco, retro, vintage, and other food names, but it wasn't until I was reading about bauhous that I loved how hous was spelled. It was unique, yet simple in it's meaning and for some reason my middle name pop out at me and that how RaeHous came about. I love how the name reflects a part of my own name and one of my favorite styles, but it doesn't box me in to just being a health or DIY or food blog it allows me to broaden and write about what makes me smile, or some new recipe I tried and loved, or a new DIY project I'm thinking about working on. It's RaeHous all things about me and my house.
I'd love to hear your thoughts on the new design and name.